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    DVD Micro System TABLE OF CONTENTS3141 785 34490XL 09432008Location of PC Boards . 1-1Electronic Specification . 1-2Measurement Setup . 1-3Service Aids . 1-4Items Of Safety Attention .1-5Instruction On CD Playability .1-7 to 1-8Software Version Check include 60%Tin 40% lead.To maintain soldering iron and its tin very well.Use the wire brush but not spray cleaners such as Freon to clean the soldering surface.Adopt the melting ways:a) The temperature of soldering horn range from 350 to 390.b) Heat up the parts pin, until soldering tin is molten.c) Use the desoldering pump to suck out the molten soldering tinquickly.Note: Quickly operating can prevent superheating the electronic-plating copper.Adopt the following soldering ways.a) The temperature of soldering horn range from 350 to 390. b) Hold the soldering iron and welding rod pointed to the parts pin,until soldering tin is molten. Then move the soldering horn quickly to the location that you want to solder. Note: Quickly operating can prevent superheating electronic-plating copper of printed circuit board.c) Check the welting zone carefully, then brush the unwanted soldering tin away with a wire brush.Unsolder/Replace ICNotes:Do not touch the IC body directly with soldering iron. Pre-heating soldering iron at about 130 for some seconds avoid the damages caused by IC heated suddenly. For normal IC, the temperature of the solder horn is about 350, and can increase to 390 for some bigger IC.Use the filamentous welding rod and solder which thickness is about 0.3mm to solder thin IC and add the solder as needed.Replace the IC carefully and solder it quickly.After unsoldering the IC, clean the basic board carefully to ensure the board is usable.Prevent the molten soldering tin dripping on the board which will engender a short circuit.Aim at the first terminal and fix it, then aim at other terminals for correctly inserting IC. You can solder quickly just like this.Before operating, please make sure the IC is unusable. Do not unsolder repeatedly. During soldering especially soldering a thin IC with many pins, check the weld carefully.After replacing, check that there is not soldering leak, rosin joint, short circuit and so on. Unsolder:Use the soldering iron to melt the soldering tin.Before unsoldering IC, suck out the molten solder tin.ReplaceÖMake sure all the IC pins are on their correct location, then solder.Use a wire brush to clean the welting zone.6HWUHPDLQVFORVHG1<3ODD&'IRUDWOHDVWPLQXWHV<SODDELOLWRN“1SODDELOLWRN“DGG,QIRIRUFXVWRPHU6(72.FKHFNSODDELOLW1<SODDELOLWRN“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³&OHDQLQJ6ROYHQW7KHDFWXDWRULVDYHUSUHFLVHPHFKDQLFDOFRPSRQHQWDQGPDQRWEHGDPDJHGLQRUGHUWRJXDUDQWHHLWVIXOOIXQFWLRQ&OHDQWKHOHQVJHQWO GRQ¶WSUHVVWRRKDUG ZLWKDVRIWDQGFOHDQFRWWRQEXGPRLVWHQHGZLWKWKHVSHFLDOOHQVFOHDQHU7KHGLUHFWLRQRIFOHDQLQJPXVWEHLQWKHZDDVLQGLFDWHGLQWKHSLFWXUHEHORZ%HIRUHWRXFKLQJWKHOHQVLWLVDGYLVHGWRFOHDQWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHOHQVEEORZLQJFOHDQDLURYHULW7KLVWRDYRLGWKDWOLWWOHSDUWLFOHVPDNHVFUDWFKHVRQWKHOHQV,QVWUXFWLRQ2Q&'3ODDELOLW2-1Software Version Check & UpgradeUpgrade software1. Download the software from Philips support websitehttp:/www.philips.com/supportSoftware version and date checkVer: MCD302/xx VxxxDate: Mmm dd yyyyTime: hh:mm:ss1, Power on the unit whithout loading the USB and Disc in it, then press the “811502” on remote controlUpgradingRead USB2. Load the CD Disc or USB device with software,Software upgrade procedurestarts automaticallyWaiting a minuteSoftware upgrade finish.Not powerCheck the Power Cord is connectedCheck whether thePowerBoard has provided voltage outputNot soundConfirm that whether turnon the TVs volumeCheck if the Main Board has been provided voltageDont displayCheck the files or folders inUSB or other devices do not exceed the certain limitNot picture on HDMI connectionCheck if the HDMI cable is usable Replace a new HDMI cable Check the connect cable is OK or NOTCheck the flat connect wire is OK or NOT and Re-plantedCheck if the data wire which connected to the Main Boardhas been provided voltageCheck the data wire which connected the Main Board,if has provided voltageCheck if the Transistors have been provided voltageCheck the Digital Output Board whether provide voltageCheck if the CPU IChas provided voltageCheck if the VFD Boardhas been provided voltageReplace a new Power BoardNReplace a new one NReplace a new one NReplace a new one NReplace the IC PT6311/SC16311/CD16311NNReplace the Main BoardNChange to ues the new materialsNChange to uesable oneNCheck if the Main Boardhas provided voltageReplace a new oneNYYYYYDont LoadingConfirm that the LoaderMechanism has providedVoltageCheck the Flat Loadercable is OK or NOTCheck the flat connect wire is OK or NOT and Re-plantedCheck the Loader whetherhas provided VoltageReplace a new one NReplace a new one NReplace a new one NYYYYYYYYYYMalfunction Follow Check Chart3-1 3-1


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